Mia loves bath time and posing for Playbaby.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
January Mia Pics
Mia loves bath time and posing for Playbaby.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Well, again its been to long since our last entry. Girls polo and teaching have taken most of our time, but we still enjoy our little Mia bug. She is a great blessing and we are lucky to have her. She makes us smile everyday and reminds us what is truely important after a full day of teaching. Christmas was so much fun for us and all our family. Mia loved every minute of it. Especially ripping the paper from her gifts. She has grown so much and is quite tall for her age (96%). Mia eats her veggies and loves the fruit. She poops everyday, which isn't my favorite part, but she's regular. Mia loves to spit and puts everything in her mouth. She hasn't started crawling yet, but is rolling on to her stomach more. Mia is a happy baby and we love her.

Saturday, December 12, 2009
Keeping up with this blog has been a lot harder than I thought...but I'm home today, enjoying a nice rainy day, while Ray is at a polo tournament (poor guy). And while Mia naps, I thought it would be a great time to get caught up.
The month of November seemed to fly by. Mia got to attend her first Monon Bell game (the annual game between DePauw and Wasbash - the oldest college rivalry in the US). It was great to see Jen and Brian Hurey who will be moving off to Germany in the next week. Brian had just gotten back from service in Iraq and it was great to see both of them - even if DePauw lost.

We were happy to have Ray's dad home for Thanksgiving and Mia enjoyed her first Thanksgiving with a Hall family brunch and a huge Au family dinner. She loved all the attention and was happily passed from aunt to cousin and back.

We were also very lucky to have one of Ray's old water polo players offer to take some family pictures. I was wanting to get a nice one we could use for our Christmas card this year - especially since I didn't get one sent out last year. We bought Mia a cute little Christmas dress from Kohl's and Andreas took some great pictures and we're looking forward to getting our cards sent out.
It's been a challenge getting the house decorated this year with Ray moving right from boys' polo season into girls' and spending every minute playing with Mia. But I've definitely gotten the spirit going in our house and we can't wait to celebrate Mia's first Christmas! We're even planning on taking her on her first trip to Disneyland to see Santa.
Ray and I are definitely counting down the days until Christmas break (1 week to go!) and look forward to getting to spend more time with our Little Bug, friends, and family. She is such a joy and truly is a happy baby. It seems like every day she does something new; we can't wait to see what she'll do next. She definitely loved to sleep - just like her dad.

Happy Holidays!!
The month of November seemed to fly by. Mia got to attend her first Monon Bell game (the annual game between DePauw and Wasbash - the oldest college rivalry in the US). It was great to see Jen and Brian Hurey who will be moving off to Germany in the next week. Brian had just gotten back from service in Iraq and it was great to see both of them - even if DePauw lost.
We were happy to have Ray's dad home for Thanksgiving and Mia enjoyed her first Thanksgiving with a Hall family brunch and a huge Au family dinner. She loved all the attention and was happily passed from aunt to cousin and back.
We were also very lucky to have one of Ray's old water polo players offer to take some family pictures. I was wanting to get a nice one we could use for our Christmas card this year - especially since I didn't get one sent out last year. We bought Mia a cute little Christmas dress from Kohl's and Andreas took some great pictures and we're looking forward to getting our cards sent out.
It's been a challenge getting the house decorated this year with Ray moving right from boys' polo season into girls' and spending every minute playing with Mia. But I've definitely gotten the spirit going in our house and we can't wait to celebrate Mia's first Christmas! We're even planning on taking her on her first trip to Disneyland to see Santa.
Ray and I are definitely counting down the days until Christmas break (1 week to go!) and look forward to getting to spend more time with our Little Bug, friends, and family. She is such a joy and truly is a happy baby. It seems like every day she does something new; we can't wait to see what she'll do next. She definitely loved to sleep - just like her dad.
Happy Holidays!!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Pumpkin Pie for Mia!
Finally, Boys water polo season is now over. Now I have more time to write and take more pics of Mia and family. Halloween was a lot of fun. Catherine and I couldn't decide what Mia should be for Halloween, but the pumpkin beat out the peapod. For Halloween this year, the Wong and Hall family agreed to come over to my neighborhood due to the multiple kids living in the area and celebrate Halloween with dinner and trick or treating. Colony has been a little dull the last few years, so I though we should change it up. Fortunately, foothill ranch delivered awesomely. We had so many kids walking about and many houses were decorated like haunted houses. This was Catherine's and my first time out trick or treating in our neighborhood too. Last year we just gave out candy. Anyways, it was great and everyone had a good time. All the nieces and nephews look cute in thier costumes and had a blast. Maybe we'll have to do it again next year. 

Sunday, October 18, 2009
It's Fall!
With school having started last month, things have been pretty busy and we haven't had much of a chance to update the blog. Ray, Mia, and I have settled somewhat into a routine. I get up every morning at 4:45 to feed Mia (poor thing would still like to sleep more!) and then hand her off to Ray while I get in the shower. Ray takes her to his mom's house on his way to polo practice, so I get the rest of the morning to get ready for school. Ray's mom is watching Mia Wednesdays through Fridays. My sister and dad are watching her on Mondays and the mom of one of Ray's old water polo players is watching her on Tuesdays. She usally comes with me to Ray's water polo games during the week too. Ray and I really look forward to coming home and getting to spend time with her. She has been sleeping wonderfully - usually until 7 or 8 on the weekends (sometimes she'll even make it to 9!). She is just the happiest baby and has so much personality. We love seeing what she'll do next. She's already reaching and grabbing for things and is getting so close to turning herself over. She loves sitting up and babbles a lot. Earlier this month, we took her on her first trip to Oak Glen. My family has been going there for apples and cider for years and I was so excited to take Mia. We got her her first pumpkin and will hopefully carve it before Halloween. She is also now sleeping in her crib in her nursery downstairs. She's such a big girl (she turned 3 months old on October 7th)! She is an expert at tummytime now and loves to listen to music. We actually tried on a Halloween costume today (a pumpkin), but it was too small. We need to find a bigger size - either in the pumpkin or a peapod. Now that things have settled down a little, we'll hopefully get to update this a little more frequently. Here are some recent pictures...

Sunday, September 6, 2009
Mia's First Swim Lesson
Ray and I took Mia swimming for the first time on Friday at my parents' pool. She was a little fussy at first, but then seemed to enjoy it (or as my mom said, "She didn't hate it"). She actually cried a LOT when we took her out of the pool. It was really special to be able to have my parents (Mia's Oma and Opa) there to witness her first swim lesson. We didn't have a newborn swimsuit for her, so she wore a 12 month one! I forgot that I did have a 6 month suit in the closet. Oh well! We can't wait to get her back in the water soon. Here are some pictures from the historic event.
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