Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Happy New Year!

Well, we're well under way into 2009. It was definitely hard to get back to school after the holidays, and I still haven't totally finished putting away the Christmas decorations. There's not much news to share. I'm going into my 17th week of pregnancy and feel really good, although tired. Ray is busy with the girls' polo team and once their season winds down, he'll be jumping right into swim season. No rest for coaches. We're excited to find out if Noober is a boy or a girl in just a couple of weeks. I have to call and schedule the sonogram. We're pretty convinced that it'll be a girl....but we'll see.

Other than that, we've been enjoying the NFL playoffs - even if the Chargers are out of it. :-( I don't know what I'll do after the Super Bowl - no football until August and no baseball until April. Blah! At least we can enjoy our new toy - a DVR. We finally broke down and bought one and already I've become addicted. It'll definitely be nice to have once the baby comes.

It's hard to believe that in only about 6 months, we'll have a new addition to our family. We can't wait!

Here's to a wonderful, exciting, and busy 2009!


  1. Yea I'm so excited you'll find out soon! DVRs are so nice since you actually save time by being able to fast forward commercials. I love knowing when I watch The Office that I saved 7 minutes out of my life. :-) Enjoy!

  2. I don't know how people do it with out DVR especily with new born. It is gret

  3. I am glad to hear that everything is going well It must be something in the water. We have 5 teachersat our school pregnant...yikes!! Can't wait to hear the big reveal in a few weeks. Tell Ray to video tape it, it is awesome to see your expression when they tell you.
